Shame Mee Once by Amy Miles

An unfamiliar place. A car dead on the side of the road. A dream shattered.

No one ever aspires to one day grow up to become a stripper, least of all tight-laced Chloe Freeman. She had big dreams for her life and a map all laid out to reach them, but when a series of hard knocks shove her off course, Chloe must find a way to draw strength from her fragile faith.

With a bank account that hasn’t been in the black for nearly six months and only her wits, her smile and the clothes on her back to call her own, Chloe must decide how far she is willing to go to survive. Will her faith hold out or will she crumble under the sorrows that life has thrown at her?

Click on the link below to download this book:- Shame Me Once by Amy Miles

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